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Sunday, September 11, 2011

My ten year 9/11 contribution

 I'll be honest here....
   I only opened an account on Blogger so I could participate in a contest that another blogger member had posted. I have never been one to open up or share information about myself to just anyone. More so, never would I have imagined that I would be posting anything I had to say on a blog. More then likely, this might be my first and last post. I have no idea as to who would want to read this or if anyone will ever read, so that's what motivates me to go forward with this.
  In case your asking, "Why write something now"? I felt that since it is 9/11, I needed to write down what I remembered from that day. Lately, I seem to have the memory of a 60 year old dementia suffer. In no way am I trying to consider myself a victim from the 9/11 attacks. I am merely telling my story of where I was and what I remember from this day.

   The date was September 11, 2001; and it was exactly ten years ago from today. The catastrophe that unfolded this morning vividly persist within my mind. I was living in San Antonio, TX at the time I had just celebrated my birthday 3 days earlier. I woke early that morning only to lounged on my couch watching Barney with my then 10 month old (Maribel) baby girl; while also enjoying my day off. Periodically, I'd glance out my window while silently thinking I should be outside taking advantage of the beautiful day with Maribel. If not for the fact that my daughter's favorite show was on, we most certainly would have been outdoors. 
   The morning was passing smoothly when suddenly I found myself trying to calm a crying baby. With a glance at the tv, I notice what had Maribel upset. The show had been interrupted by a news broadcast. My initial thought was to see if I had accidentally changed the channel somehow. As I flicked return on the remote, I was confronted with yet another live report. At this point I am finally allowing myself to listened to the broadcast. I heard the news commentator describing a live recount of the first plane crashing into the world trade center. Minutes later, the second plane crashes into the South WTC tower and some time thereafter, the attack on the Pentagon took place; which was followed by the crash in the Pennsylvania field. Although at that time I knew no one aboard any of the planes or anyone residing in NY, I could not compose my emotions or tears from flowing. Amongst my state of shock, the sobbing, and feeling of being helpless to what was airing; all I could think about was the loss of innocent people. Sometime between everything that was unfolding, I began praying. I prayed for everyone that came in direct contact of the plane's impact, everyone aboard the planes, and for those who's lives would forever be changed by this day. It was unfathomable to believe anyone would intentionally inflict such horror on our soil. 
As I sit here expressing the impression that this day has implanted within me; I realized that this is my way of contributing to this day. I feel compelled to thank all the brave and courageous Fire Fighters, first responders, bystanders, and anyone else that may have lost/risked their lives trying to save those that wished nothing more then to leave the scene of these attacks. This day will always be that of sorrow and remembrance towards those who so violently, unexpectedly, and bravely lost their lives. Also, this day should be a reminder as to why our soldiers have fought and continue to fight overseas today. 

    I am so proud to be from a country that has such brave souls that fight, fought, and especially those that have made the ultimate sacrifice of giving their lives for our freedom. Amongst them hero's is my Husband/soldier, "Atom Griego". There is not a day that passes that I don't thank the lord for being fortunate enough to have my husband alive and living with us today. Sadly, there are countless of others who cannot say the same. With that, I have noticed that it is to easy for people to forget and take for granted the hero's that make up this great nation we live in. Let us never stop believing in what it is our soldiers work, train, and fight for. For them, I am forever grateful and promise to never forget this day for as long as I am around!
                                                     Sincerely, Roxanne Griego